Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Not sure this is the best image...

Physically restraining employees isn't exactly something I would consider "in vogue" for employee retention. But no arguing it will work!

I am sorry we cannot let you leave just yet!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

RDS vs. XenApp

I read a great article today from Thomas Kötzing (@Koetzing) regarding feature comparison between Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services and Citrix XenApp 6.5 for delivery of user workspaces. I highly recommend anyone considering deployment of server-based computing take a look. He really hits the nail on the head with regards to need comparison for features between the two in the SMB marketplace.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Director Modifications - Where was that GUI again?

In some instances there may come the need to modify the configuration of Citrix Director. This Help Desk and Monitoring web portal doesn't offer any up front way to change configuration settings. This is where the DirectorConfig Tool steps in.

The DirectorConfig Tool is a command line utility from Citrix that allows various configuration changes to Citrix Director. Perhaps the most common task it is used for is to configure HDX Insight.

The tool comes pre-installed on Director servers at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\tools.

The follow actions can be accomplished with the tool:

  1. Configure HDX Insight
  2. Unconfigure HDX Insight
  3. Change the XenDesktop Site
  4. Change the Delivery Controller used for discovery
  5. Remove user configuration files
  6. Upgrade Director
  7. Register
  8. Enable Remote Assistance

StoreFront / Gateway Logoff Error

On occasion you may run into logoff errors for Citrix StoreFront or Citrix NetScaler Gateway similar to the one below.
If any apps are still running, please exit them manually.

I have found two reasons thus for this error to potentially happen. Each has their own time and place as well as a resolution. There is a third resolution as well, that was a bug several years ago with VDI-In-A-Box. This third resolution is actually a workaround, and depending on your environment, may not be suitable.

Scenario/Fix 1

  • In this scenario Receiver for Web is configured for domain pass-through authentication. If this or smart card authentication are in use and XenDesktop Site settings are not configured to trust XML communications (default config) then the error above can be observed.
  1. Load PowerShell on a Delivery Controller
  2. Add the Citrix cmdlets:
    Add-PSSnapin *cit*
  3. View your Site information. It is expected that the trust status is false:
  4. Adjust your trust status:
    Set-BrokerSite -TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort $true
  5. Verify you are now trusted for XML communication:

Scenario/Fix 2
  • In this scenario StoreFront is configured for multiple Delivery Controllers across different Sites. One of the sites is down resulting in no Delivery Controller to respond. This will usually be seen in the Event Viewer>Citrix Delivery Services log on StoreFront servers as Event ID 4012. Both the enumeration process and the logoff process (if terminating or disconnecting sessions) will reach out to all configured sites in StoreFront. While enumeration does not present an error to users, log off will do so if StoreFront cannot verify active sessions to disconnect or terminate. This could be very common in Cold DR or Development environment scenarios where everything is passed through one StoreFront portal.
  1. Verify all XenDesktop sites are responding.

Scenario/Fix 3
  • This scenario is not actually a scenario but a work around. As alluded to in the second section above, the error occurs when StoreFront tries to utilize WorkSpace Control and disconnect or log off users sessions but fails. This fix for this is to change your default behavior.
  1. In current versions (3.5 or newer) of StoreFront, launch the console and navigate to Receiver for Web Sites>Manage Receiver for Web Sites>Configure.
  2. Select WorkSpace Control
  3. Change the Logoff action to None:
  4. With the setting at None, no controllers will be contacted and thus no errors shown to the client.
  5. Don't forget to replicate settings to your Server Group.
If you are on a version of StoreFront that does no have GUI configurable WorkSpace Control settings, you can access the web.config file in your IIS home and change the highlighted line below.

Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\<StoreName>Web and open the web.config file.

<workspaceControl enabled="true" autoReconnectAtLogon="true"
            logoffAction="none" showReconnectButton="false" showDisconnectButton="false" />

Saturday, August 13, 2016

XenDesktop 7.6 - Limiting Desktops

One of the biggest issues (complaints) about earlier versions of XenDesktop 7.x was that you had to present desktops to all users of a delivery group. The truth to this is that you can actually limit this - however it is not part of the GUI until the latest releases of the 7.x platform.

If you are in need of limiting who gets desktops, you need to break out your PowerShell SDK for XenDesktop and look at the Entitlement Policy for your Delivery Group. You can enable the User Filter and in turn assign users or groups to get the desktop.

Below is a sample of this change. Note that you have to have a Delivery Group with Desktops enabled for this to work.

Add-PSSnapin *Cit*

Get-BrokerDesktopGroup *

#Note the Uid of the Delivery Group you are interested in limiting - in this case my sample Uid is 32

Get-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule -Uid 32 | Set-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule -IncludedUserFilterEnabled $true -IncludedUsers "MyDomain\MyUserGroup"

#The above will set the entitlement policy object to be enabled and add my limiting group

Get-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule -Uid 32

#Verify the settings you just configured

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pesky Icon Data

I ran into an issue with a Citrix XenDesktop environment where application settings had to be recovered but unfortunately none of the Encoded Icon Data was available so all applications had the default citrix application icon with Uid of  1.

I had to get a little creative with PowerShell to get the application's  icon data back. Unfortunately if there were custom icons, this wouldn't work - but in a time of recovery beggars can't be choosers.

The below script will take each application located on a server from a delivery group (I only had one here, but this could be upgraded to walk multiple) and extract the first available icon from the executable of the published application, create the encoded icon data, and then assign the application to that new icon. In my case this took care of most of the applications. I had a couple published batch files that I tweaked after the fact - but this was much nicer than going through the GUI and manually adjusting every application in the environment.

Add-PSSnapin *Cit*

$applications = $null
$applications = Get-BrokerApplication * | Where-Object {$_.IconUid -eq 1}

$sessionhost = $null
$sessionhost = Get-BrokerDesktop * | where-object {$_.MachineUid -eq 1}

$manuallyfix = $null

foreach($app in $applications){
if($app.CommandLineExecutable -like "C:*")

    $path = $null
    $path = "\\"+$sessionhost.HostedMachineName+"\C$"+$localpath

    $icon = $null
    $icon =get-ctxicon $path -index 0

    $newicon = new-brokericon -EncodedIconData $icon.EncodedIconData

    write-host $app.browsername "changing to Icon Uid: " $newicon.uid
    Get-BrokerApplication $app.browsername | Set-BrokerApplication -IconUid $newicon.uid



write-host "`n`nManually fix these apps: `n"


Friday, July 29, 2016

Internet Explorer End of Life Nag

I was at a customer that recently complained that many of their Internet Explorer applications hosted on Citrix XenApp were opening additional tabs for users asking for Internet Explorer to be upgraded. This as it turns out is by design from Microsoft. As of January 2016 IE 8-9-10 are no longer receiving updates from the software giant. They want everyone to move to Internet Explorer 11. This nag screen is actually part of the last update to each to of the legacy browsers - so it is 100% by design.

Of course many enterprise applications were written to work with older versions of IE and development or testing cycles may not be available to simply upgrade. So how to get around this nag window? Fortunately Microsoft has enabled a new feature control registry value that can override this default option. Full details can be found here. I have included the snippet regarding x64 configuration below. Throw this in a group policy preference and apply where needed - no more nag screens!

For x64-based systems

  1. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click OK.
  2. Locate the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl
  3. Right-click FeatureControl, point to New, and then click Key.
  4. Enter FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, and then press Enter to name the new key.
  5. Right-click FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  6. Enter iexplore.exe, and then press Enter to name the new value.
  7. Right-click iexplore.exe, and then click Modify.
  8. In the Value data box, enter 00000001, and then click OK.
  9. Locate the following subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl
  10. Right-click FeatureControl, point to New, and then click Key.
  11. Enter FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, and then press Enter to name the new key.
  12. Right-click FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  13. Enter iexplore.exe, and then press Enter to name the new value.
  14. Right-click iexplore.exe, and then click Modify.
  15. In the Value data box, enter 00000001, and then click OK.
  16. Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the browser to enable the new key.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

XenDesktop 7.x Database Maintenance & Considerations

I recently spent time with a client having SQL issues related to XenDesktop. As it turns out they were exhausting transaction log space. I figured I would throw together a post about some of the considerations and best practices I have seen around this topic.

Considerations N'at

  1. Monitoring: 
    • First and foremost, whatever you design, something-will-fail-eventually. I cannot stress monitoring enough. From simple OS-level monitors such as disk space and event log scraping to more-in-depth (and expensive) end-to-end monitoring solutions. My personal favorites over the years have been ControlUp and Solarwinds. You can write your own via PowerShell with a little research if you can't spring for a third-party product. I just can't harp on this item enough.
  2. One-or-many? 
    • It is recommended to separate the 3 primary DB data sources into separate actual databases. A Site, Logging, and Monitoring DB. In the latest versions this is the option up front. Original releases this had to be done after the site was deployed. 
  3. The Databases:
    1. Site: 
      • Size corresponds to user activity (since session information is tracked). Peak usage = peak size.
      • Two-days worth of connection data is kept in the site DB, thus the largest size will be achieved two days after peak user connectivity.
      • Activity is greatest during high login periods as information is frequently requested.
      • An outage to this DB can cause the inability to launch sessions (session leasing not withstanding)
    2. Logging: 
      • Historical logging of site changes
      • Sizing is not predictable as it depends on the number of changes in the site (including administrative actions in Director)
      • Low I/O needs
      • There is no retention policy so old data must be purged manually.
      • If site policy does not allow changes to be made without the logging DB present, no site reconfiguration will be allowed. 
    3. Monitoring:
      • Used by Director to display data. 
      • Max size is determined by retention period (7 days for non-platinum; platinum defaults to 90 and is configurable). Peak size will be when this period is reached.
      • Data is collected in a manner that limits transactions, thus lowering I/O needs
      • Data flushing occurs overnight. 
      • An outage prevents collection of historical data
  4. The TempDB:
    • The SQL Temporary DB impacts the performance of SQL and the performance of XenDesktop. Usually I will configure SQL with specific drives for Data, Logs, Backups (depending on solution), and the TempDB. This allows for flexibility in regards to sizing and performance. The purpose of the TempDB is to eliminate locks on the Site DB (and others) which in a large scale environment could lead to slow performance. This DB is usually small, and a sizing guide is in the references section. 
  5. Use Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation:
    • Say what? In short, this isolation improves performance, particularly during intense login periods. If you have a larger environment, users of Studio and Director will thank you.
  6. Sizing:
    • As much as I would love to write a novel about DB sizing - the below table from the Citrix document linked under references sums up a ballpark for your site-DB sizing needs. The other DBs are tougher to predict and should be monitored and are more variable. The Monitoring DB will likely grow the largest of all three. There are some estimates in the sizing guide on pages 6 & 7 if review is desired.
  7. CPU Usage:
    • Summary of Citrix's intensive testing of SQL performances recommends a single quad-core SQL server for XenDesktop deployments. 
  8. DB Maintenance:
    • Usage of DB Mirroring or Always-On features results in full transaction logging mode. This results in the transaction logs of all three DBs to continue to grow until a log backup is taken. This will cause issues without monitoring (disk space utilization, performance).
    • It is recommended to back up transaction logs regularly if utilizing one of the mentioned high availability methods. This could be done with scheduled backups or with SQL Server Agent. 
    • Citrix recommends Index rebuilds occur over night or on weekends. Page 13 of the Sizing Guide provides more details on scripts for this. (They actually recommend using the Windows Server Update Services script modified for XenDesktop.)

References (just so you know I didn't make all of this up).

Monday, July 25, 2016

vCenter Appliance: LDAP Integration

Who wants to give out their root password whenever they need to have IT staff manage their VMware environment? No one. Fortunately this one is fairly straightforward. Our goal in the end will be to land on the vSphere vCenter Web Portal and be able to check the box to pass through our Windows credentials. For this sample I am going to utilize a group call VMware-FullAdmins as my security group and the domain administrator account for validation. Avoid using the AD administrator account in any production environment. Set up a delegated VMware administrators group and assign those users needing permissions.

  1. Log into the vSphere console at <IP>:9443 with the administrator@vsphere.local account. You will need to use the web console. The fat client has had this option removed in latest versions. 
  2. Find the Administration node. You should have Single Sign-On > Configuration available to select.
  3. You will have Policies / Identity Sources / Certificates tabs. Select Identity Sources.
  4. Click the Plus to add a source.
  5. Entered the information for your domain. Keep in mind that the Alias field cannot have punctuation - is should be the shortname for your domain. Sample information below.
    Name: MyDomain.Local
    Server URL: ldap://lserver.mydomain.local:389
    Type: ActiveDirectory
    Domain: MyDomain.Local
    Alias: MyDomain
  6. Now that your source is available for authentication we will want to add our VMWare-FullAdmins group for access.
  7. Select vCenter Servers in the left menu column
  8. On your vCenter server right-click and select All vCenter Actions>Add Permission.
  9. You can now select to search MyDomain.Local for VMware-FullAdmins and add it at this level to have full administration capabilities for the environment.
  10. Now just populate VMware-FullAdmins with those you need to manage your environment and you can stop handing out your built-in privileged accounts!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Adding ESXi Hosts to your vCenter Appliance

Once you have your vSphere vCenter 5.5 appliance up and running, configured with any desired Datacenters and Clusters, it is time to add ESXi hosts.

  1. Log into your vCenter web portal <IP>:9443 with an administrator account.
  2. Locate the datacenter or cluster you wish to add your host into. Right click on it and select add host.
  3. Now you will need to fill in the name and location of the host, plus the local account for access.
  4. Verify that the host was connected to and if any VMs exist they are all listed. 
  5. Assign your license
  6. Use lockdown if desired. Lockdown prevents direct access to the host. 
  7. Review all of the settings and click Finish to initiate.
The process should take a few minutes to complete. You can keep track in the Recent Tasks section of the progress. You will also see any new VMs, networks, etc. appear in your infrastructure as they are added. VMs running on the host should not see any disruption during this process. You are just taking management of the host over, it should keep running with any assigned resources.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

New Garden Fence

Last week Isbir Landscaping & Allegheny Fence teamed up to put a new 6' fence around my 38'x54' garden. Complete with 4"x2" wire mesh buried 5" deep and rabbit wire at the bottom to hopefully keep out some of the neighborhood wildlife. They did a great job. I had them leave the posts a little high for some decorative postcap installation. Too bad it is still early in the season or I could have shared some veggies with them while here.

Original Garden. Deer & rabbit repellent only works so well. (Lost the beans.)

End of day 2. Posts are all in. 

Completed product sans decorative topping.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Configuring the vCenter Appliance

Previously I provided an overview of the straightforward importation of the VMware vCenter Appliance. Today I will walk through the configuration of our newly deployed vCenter Appliance.

  1. Once you have completed your deployment of the appliance and powered it on, you can open the console view in the vSphere Client to get a quick glimpse at what is in store for configuration. You need to have DHCP enabled on the assigned network mapping to get the IP in step 1 to present.
    • Note: If you are doing a greenfield deployment with 5.5 as I am, there is a feature to be aware. You will need to kill Tomcat before continuing or the Wizard will fail. Use the console or SSH to your new instance and type service vmware-vpxd stop at the prompt and hit enter. This will stop the vpxd service - not doing this will cause errors. I haven't found this formally documented anywhere unfortunately rather through trial and error.
  2. Navigating to the DHCP assigned IP - - you will get hit with the much expected certificate warning. Depending on your browser, methods for bypassing this vary. (Hopefully since you are deploying vCenter you know how to add a security exception for your browser!). 
  3. Assuming use of a Static IP - close out of the Wizard.
  4. Click on the Network tab
  5. Select the Address Button
  6. Change the IPv4 Address Type to Static - you now can change the hostname. Fill in the desired hostname, IP, gateway, DNS Server, mask, and save the settings.
  7. The network changes made will require reloading the URL for management to your new static IP. Log back in and under utilities Launch the Setup Wizard.
  8. Follow along on the setup wizard:
    1. Log in with the default username/password combination of root/vmware and accept the EULA.
    2. Enable or leave disabled (my choice) data collection
    3. Select the custom configuration radio button. You will get to define each step except NTP here. NTP will use the specified Active Directory PDC Emulator provided time. 
    4. Check the Active Directory Enabled box & Fill in the appropriate values for your domain
    5. For SSO select Embedded as well, just like the DB. Enter a password for the administrator account.
    6. With authentication configured for Active Directory the the time options automatically get configured to utilize AD synchronization. 
    7. Once reviewed and configuration initiated all of the above options shoudl succeed.
    8. Click close and you should be up and running:
A couple of considerations:

Database Settings
Why did I choose to use the embedded DB? In this setup I don't have a separate SQL server for the database. Given I just have a small two node lab, this isn't an issue. Keep in mind, VMware only supports external Oracle databases. Fortunately the embedded PostgreSQL database will support up to 1,000 hosts and 10,000 virtual machines. If you are surpassing those numbers, you probably have access to Oracle. I am not so fortunate.

By default the Services configurations are for small environments. I will leave my Services configurations at the default settings. This is one screen where the settings will impact multiple settings including modifications to the VM which runs the appliance. Reference KB2057376 to review large scale deployment tuning.

At this point you have a vCenter Server Appliance that is online with a static IP and communicating with Active Directory. Now go over to the Admin tab and change the root password. You can open up an Adobe Flash enabled web browser and navigate to <IP>:9443 to access to portal of your new vSphere Web Client. Right now only root can log in - something we will want to take care of down the road. 

So now you have the vCenter appliance up and running! Great! Oh, yeah, we don't have any hosts or VMs to manage yet! I'll have to get to this next time. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Deploying the vCenter Appliance

Much like other vendors, VMware has jumped on the appliance bandwagon. Starting with VMware 5.x and continuing on to 6.x, the vSphere vCenter tool has been available as an importable appliance and not just the traditional Windows install. Simple to get up and running, a high-level of the steps needed for deployment can be found below.

  1. Download the Appliance from for your appropriate version. In this example I will be using 5.5. You can download either the full OVA file or the individual OVF and hard disk files. For all-in-one ease, here we are going with the OVA.
  2. Next open up your local vSphere Client. Assuming you don't have vCenter in place already, you will need to point to a host for authentication and then select File>Deploy OVF Template.
  3. Browse to your download and select next.
  4. Review your details to make sure you selected the appropriate template.
  5. Name your appliance appropriately.
  6. Select an appropriate storage datastore.
  7. Choose an appropriate disk format (if no one is monitoring storage growth - stick with Thick)
  8. Select an appropriate Networking Mapping
  9. Finish your deployment and sit back while the appliance imports. (A few minutes typically.)
It was that simple! Once the import is complete you can power it on and use the default combination of root/vmware to log in. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

G'N'R @ Heinz Field July 12, 2106

Great Guns N' Roses show @ Heinz Field last night in Pittsburgh! 2+ hours of rocking music. Sharing some pictures of my time out with friends.

Drinks and dinning @ Sharp Edge on Penn Ave ahead of festivities. 
Phil, Emily, myself, and the wife enjoying $13 beers on the floor prior to the show.
Maybe 45 minutes before showtime. Getting to our seats.
Almost showtime
Show underway!
Set-list from the evening is below. 

  1. It's So Easy
  2. Mr. Brownstone
  3. Chinese Democracy
  4. Welcome to the Jungle
  5. Double Talkin' Jive
  6. Estranged
  7. Live and Let Die (Wings)
  8. Rocket Queen
  9. You Could Be Mine
  10. Raw Power (Iggy and The Stooges)
  11. This I Love
  12. Civil War
  13. Coma
  14. Speak Softly Love (Love Theme from The Godfather)
  15. Slash guitar solo
  16. Sweet Child O' Mine
  17. Better
  18. My Michelle
  19. Slash & Fortus Duet ("Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd)
  20. November Rain
  21. Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan)
  22. Nightrain
  23. Patience - encore
  24. The Seeker (The Who) - encore
  25. Paradise City - encore

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Short Stick

Sometimes you read an article and are left wondering about the future of a product or products. Priyanka Somashekar has a very nice write up about Citrix Director-based CPU & Memory utilization reporting. This feature, new with XenDesktop/XenApp 7.9 makes one think back to yesteryear with the data that Edgesight could obtain but that has always been missing from the 7.x lineup of Citrix workspace delivery tools. My response: Hallelujah!

Then I got to the end of the article and the comments. While 7.9 was explicitly mentioned as when the feature was released, towards the end Citrix Cloud was mentioned - but no on-premise. My fears were confirmed in the comments:
This feature is currently supported on Citrix Cloud. 
Seriously!?!? Such a significant release and it is only available on the Cloud product. While I know the Cloud product is a strong push for Citrix right now, neglecting 99% of the customer base with such a major announcement I can classify as rude and misleading - especially when this tidbit had to be spelled out in the comments and wasn't explicitly disclosed in the article.

Citrix Cloud is great for those environments that can use it (especially for DevOps). Given the need to have applications and data close to one another for performance purposes, large scale enterprise-class adoptions just won't be there until that hurdle can be overcome. Shame on you Citrix for the underhanded marketing ploy to make such a major feature that enterprises clients *need* and only deploy it in such a limited scope.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July Food

I always love a good cookout on holiday weekend. This weekend featured a giant homemade cheeseburger layered with fresh onion, yellow sweet pepper, pepper bacon, pickles, and homemade coffee-infused BBQ sauce on a kaiser roll. Still not exactly sure how I fit it in my mouth.

(Classy Thin Print shades are optional for a good time. Suspenders required.)


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Considerations for Exchange Disaster Recovery Architecture

Recently I was involved in planning sessions for a client's Microsoft Exchange 2013 environment. They currently are based in one data center and have been looking to implement highly available and disaster recovery solutions. Of course price seemed to always trump everything, but it may be useful for others out there looking to plan for Exchange HA/DR to make sure your discovery sessions include the below items.

  1. What is the recovery time objective? 
    • A long RTO could mean that rebuild / restoring from tape is viable
  2. What is the recovery point objective?
    • How much can be lost - if you need things current, or within minutes last night's tape backup won't work
  3. Do you have to have off-site?
    • Maybe you only have one data center - could you co-locate? Could an online solution solution such as Acronis or Datto have be viable?
  4. Do all mailbox databases need to be readily available?
    •  Do you have VIP users with more sensitive RTO/RPO numbers? This could be a way to cut costs if only some of the data is replicated.
  5. Do line of business applications require e-mail integration?
    • Maybe that document management system running your client data ties into Exchange and your entire business is down if e-mail is down. 
  6. Leverage native capabilities! 
    • DAGs can extend across multiple sites and provide great resilience against a variety of disasters including point failures such as disk, server, and network or even entire data center failure. (DC failure - that really big point failure!)
These are just a few "big ticket" areas of consideration when planning for HA/DR in an Exchange environment. Starting with these can let you dig into details and begin to prepare options for a client to have a successful e-mail availability and recovery solution. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Back to the Future?

I started this blog at a point I wanted to share knowledge, findings, opinions, n'at with those that might be of like mind and interests. I also ended up in a quandary where my work position dictated that propriety knowledge could be used to as a sales tactic and thus made the decision to step away from writing. Well, as of June 2016 and being back on the job market I have decided to resume blogging for whatever makes me tick. Perhaps someone out there in the ether can find use of what I post going forward.